Lash Tile & File System for Eyelash Extensions – Minkys
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Tile & File System

Lash Curl::

Keep your lash station and applications organized with a quicker and more cost-effective service. Simply choose your preferred curl and lash and receive 14 trays of lashes in lengths 8-14 in the thickness options below. 


Classic Tile & File: Contains 1- S.P.Lash Tile with 7- .15 and 7- .20 Thickness. Available in curls, J, B, C, D, LC, LD

Groove Tile & File: Contains 1- S.P.Lash Tile with 7- Groove .15 and 7- Groove .20 Thickness. Available in curls,  B, C, D, DD

Volume Tile & File: Contains 1- S.P.Lash Tile with 7- .05 and 7- .07 Thickness. Available in curls, B, C, D, LC, LD

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