Join Our Team - Become a Minkys Lash Extension Trainer
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Become a Minkys Lash Trainer

The same opportunities that led you to become an eyelash extensionist are the very opportunities that will make you a successful Minkys Trainer.  Minkys knows that you enjoy having an instant and positive impact on your clients.  Our products and training techniques will ensure you, as a trainer, will directly empower others to succeed in the competitive eyelash industry.

Mission Statement: To provide Minkys Trainers with the most up-to-date techniques and high-quality products in eyelash extension training and to nurture their professional growth. 

Goal: Minkys is committed to client safety and satisfaction. Minkys Trainers are on the forefront of this effort. By ensuring our Minkys Trainers receive our full support and are well compensated, Minkys will guarantee its certified extensionists are the best-trained and most qualified extensionists in the industry.

What makes Minkys™ Unique?

Minkys has the only patented delivery system for lash application. Our patented Minkys tile provides an extensionist with a stylish and convenient method of organizing lashes for a faster and easier lash application. Each tray comes with 14 different sizes of faux mink lashes in B, C or D curl. Faux Mink lashes are lighter, softer and more flexible than conventional synthetic lashes. Trainers and their students may choose from either a natural B-Curl Lash or a more dramatic C or D Curl Lash. Our Minkys tray reduces preparation and application time, as well as eliminates lash waste. Whether a trainer or an extensionist, we guarantee you will NOT find anything like our Minkys products.

Requirements to be a Trainer:

  1. Be Classic and Volume certified by Minkys or another reputable company.
  2. Have a minimum order history of $130 per month using Minkys products including regular adhesive and lash purchases.
  3. Maintain an active lash business averaging 3-4 clients per day
  4. Licensed Esthetician or Cosmetologist
  5. Access to a Licensed business location Spa/Salon
  6. Active Facebook or Instagram account
  7. Have experience with Lash Lift 

Minkys Trainers are required to teach both Classic & Volume lash extensions and Lash Lift.

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